IDGlobal supports a wide variety of projects, including study, outreach and research groups, notably at the University of São Paulo Law School. These actions cover diverse themes, but share a common purpose: to produce knowledge with a social impact, promoting inclusion and the engagement of people from different backgrounds and perspectives.
Center for Asian Legal Studies
The Center for Asian Legal Studies at the University of São Paulo Law School (USP) is a cultural and extension activity of the Commercial Law Department of the University of São Paulo Law School (USP).
Given the growing importance of Asian countries in the international context, the substantial immigration of Asian people to Brazil and the scarcity of discussions, publications and research on the subject in the country, the creation of a center for the legal study of Asian countries is justified.
Created in 2014, CELA aims to produce and disseminate knowledge about: (i) the legal system; (ii) the legal professions; and (iii) the dynamics of law in the social life of Asian countries. The studies and discussions held within CELA start from an interdisciplinary perspective and also include the study of the social dynamics, culture, values, history and economy of the countries to be studied.
These tasks are carried out through the publication of legal articles by its members, the organization of events, and the dissemination of events via social networks and the internet. We believe that a more in-depth study of law in Asia could provide valuable lessons for Brazil.
For more information and calls for proposals, click here.
Center for Corporate Governance Studies
The Center for Corporate Governance is linked to the Law School of the University of São Paulo. Its main objective is to produce academic research that contributes to the development of the institutional debate on corporate governance in Brazil. The CGC aims to deepen studies on corporate governance and business law using a multidisciplinary methodology, drawing on knowledge from law and economics.
The CGC’s program has two distinct cycles: i) the Training Cycle, to introduce new members to the relevant topics and to provide the minimum necessary theoretical basis and ii) the Research Cycle, in which the group effectively works together on scientific production in the area of Corporate Governance, click here.
Development and Law of Indigenous Peoples
The cultural and extension activity DEvelopment and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples aims to map the acts, omissions and declarations of the federal executive that have led to institutional violence against indigenous peoples and traditional communities, mainly based on a logic of deregulation and the promotion of economic interests.
The activity is based on an analysis of recent legislation on the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, with a view to producing a report on the consequences of these changes for these communities. In addition, in conjunction with the Human Rights Lawyers Collective (CADHu), legal assistance was provided in the notification of a complaint against the President of the Republic before the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). In addition to specific initiatives, the aim is to promote debate through classes and debates with actors and representatives of the indigenous movement and civil society.
The academic coordination was carried out by: Carlos Pagano Botana Portugal Gouvêa, Professor at the Department of Commercial Law. Luiz Eloy Terena, Lawyer for the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB). PhD in Social Anthropology (National Museum/UFRJ). Post-doctoral student at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France. Erika Yamada, Expert of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. She holds a PhD in Indigenous Law and Policy from the University of Arizona, with validation from the University of Brasilia and a master’s degree in International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law from the University of Lund. Luiz Fernando Villares e Silva, Former Attorney General of FUNAI. He holds a PhD in State Law from the Law Faculty of the University of São Paulo and a master’s degree in Environmental Science from the University of São Paulo. Daniel Pereira Campos, PhD student in Commercial Law at the University of São Paulo Law School.
"Escuta SanFran"
The “Escuta Sanfran” was established in 2024 with support from IDGlobal to promote well-being initiatives for students at the University of São Paulo Law School (FDUSP). Its primary goal is to provide effective guidance and support for the diverse needs of students, addressing social, academic, and professional aspects. Additionally, Escuta Sanfran aims to foster the inclusion and retention of minorities at FDUSP, acknowledging that implementing a quota system alone is insufficient. Notably, it has spearheaded efforts to support the admission and retention of Indigenous students at the institution.
For more information, visit click here or email
Journal of Commercial, Economic, and Financial Law
The Journal of Commercial, Industrial, Economic and Financial Law is published by the Tullio Ascarelli Institute, a private foundation whose aim is to support the activities of the Commercial Law Department at the University of São Paulo Law School (FD-USP).
Founded in 1951, RDM is of enormous importance to the development of Brazilian commercial law. The journal receives, in a permanent call for articles, texts of the most diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as jurisprudential comments and reviews from highly renowned national and foreign authors.
The Editorial Committee, made up of professors from FD-USP’s Commercial Law Department, is assisted by undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty, who are responsible for organizing the peer review process to which the articles are submitted. It is coordinated by Carlos Portugal Gouvêa.
Given the historical prestige of the RDM and its role in disseminating contemporary knowledge about commercial law, the Journal aims to foster academic production that falls within its editorial line by publishing journals, organizing events and disseminating calls for articles.
For more information and calls for papers, visit our website and follow us on instagram.
Law, Third Sector and Social Entrepreneurship Study Group
The Law, Third Sector and Social Entrepreneurship Study Group at the University of São Paulo Law School is a study group and extension activity.
With the aim of developing legal studies on the third sector, social entrepreneurship and impact businesses in Brazil, G3S also provides legal assistance to third sector agents.
G3S also seeks to establish a dialog with different professionals and researchers in the field, around the common goal of structuring a field of research based on the interfaces between the third sector and law.
For more information and calls for proposals, click here.
Map for University Life
Map for University Life is an outreach group developed especially for freshmen and sophomores at USP’s Faculty of Law. The group’s program of actions aims to facilitate understanding of the various opportunities offered by the institution, addressing not only logistical aspects such as systems, platforms and curriculum structure, but also providing detailed information on necessary credits and retention policies.
The extension monitors will be senior students, from the second year onwards, with an interest in organizing meetings and lectures with guest professors and college staff, in order to offer MAPA extensionists the opportunity to explore the numerous options related to academic life, including study methods, writing university texts, academic research, scientific initiation scholarships and exchange opportunities. Some workshops will feature special guests to illustrate career paths, providing a comprehensive overview of all the possibilities available at SanFran.
In short, MAPA activities make it possible to mobilize the knowledge of senior students about the Faculty, in order to present in detail the various facets of the academic experience at SanFran, in a similar way to a tutorial. The hope is to provide students with a complete perspective, based on the integration and collaboration of students from different classes and years, with different university experiences, so that at the beginning of each semester a new cycle of MAPA monitors is formed, dedicated to monitoring the entry of freshmen and sophomores to the USP Law School.
For more information and notices, click here.
Network for the Study and Legal Deepening of the Digital Real
Its aim is to study and research the development of central bank digital currency (CBDC), in the Brazilian case the Real Digital, and to promote public initiatives in the form of applied research and extension activities, using a methodology of historical and empirical analysis and topical legal issues. The Group seeks to present legal solutions and rethink traditional explanations for such problems.
For more information and notices, click here.
TechLab - Law and Technology Laboratory
The Data Protection Studies Center (NPD-Techlab) is a study group at the University of São Paulo Law School (FDUSP) whose main objective is to promote the study of personal data protection.
The activities of the NPD-Techlab consist of fortnightly remote meetings, in which members discuss the relationship between data protection and various scopes, based on selected bibliography. We also invite guests from academia, the private and public sectors to share their experiences and points of view in order to enrich the debate.
For more information and notices, click here.